The Legacy Leadership Award (TLLA) recognizes outstanding local chapters that have actively participated in FBLA - Collegiate state and national programs and conferences. The TLLA serves as a Program of Work for local chapters.

The TLLA honors the legacy of the NC FBLA - Collegiate National “Outstanding Chapter Adviser” recipients who have given 20 or more years of service to our organization. That list of advisers can be found on the TLLA cover page and listed above.

All chapters are eligible for the award, and the goal of the State Executive Council is that every chapter will receive TLLA recognition at the State Leadership Conference. Because it highlights the purposes of NC FBLA - Collegiate and the yearly goals of the NC FBLA - Collegiate State Executive Committee, the listing of TLLA activities can be used to generate a chapter’s program of work for the year. Activities submitted must have been done in the year from the current SLC through the deadline for submitting TLLA forms for the next SLC.

Questions about the TLLA can be emailed to our State Awards Program Director, Kathie Doole.

TLLA Application Process:

  • The documentation needed to count an item is listed in parentheses following the activity.

  • You must check the box of the 20 items you are choosing and then provide any information requested. More than 20 items may be submitted as “insurance.”

  • The State Awards Committee will verify items based on state/national records.

  • An activity may be used for only one item on the list. In other words, an activity used for the Adviser Appreciation Day item may not also be used for the FBLA - Collegiate Week item. Note that rule especially as you complete activities for the community service, leadership, visibility, March of Dimes, etc., projects.

  • The information must be typed into the form, not hand written, other than required approval signatures. Do not insert graphics/clip art or additional items. Staple the pages of the form.

  • For 50-word descriptions, “a” and “the” do count as words. Be sure that the adviser and president have signed the cover page.

  • Activities that can be completed at any time are at the beginning of the list, followed by those that are date or deadline specific. The final six items are related to the NC FBLA - Collegiate Professional Division-Foundation, Inc. Those six items may be used toward the total count. Completing all six PD-F items qualifies the chapter for the PD-F TLLA “Bonus!”

A historical list of chapters that have received this award is included in the State Handbook.

Hopefully, your chapter will continue its on-going recognition or will make this the year that you are honored for the first time. Chapters receive a certificate at the State Leadership Conference and delegates receive TLLA ribbons for their name badges. And you know we like to collect our ribbons!