Running for State Office

The State Officer experience can be challenging and exciting, but it will not necessarily be easy. The challenge begins with your chapter's recognition of state officer talent in you as one of the members. The challenge continues as you apply the key elements of determination, commitment, preparation, and effort in developing and carrying out a successful election campaign during the State Leadership Conference. Once elected, the challenge continues even further as state officers seek to carry out the duties of their offices.

Running for State Office? Download the Candidate Guide!

Members are not elected to state officer positions alone--nor do they fulfill the requirements of their positions alone. Rather, officers need the support and encouragement of many people, including:

  • Parents, school officials, and department heads who need to be informed and supportive of the state officer's effort. State officers must attend various conferences and meetings during the year and will probably miss some class time.

  • Local chapter advisers who approve and sign the nomination form serve as coaches and guides through the entire process.

  • And, chapter officers and members who support the officer candidate's campaign and once elected, support the officer in his or her tasks throughout the year.

Serving as a state officer does require time, energy, and devotion to Phi Beta Lambda, but the benefits to be derived from such service are tremendous. The State Executive Council sincerely hopes that you will seriously consider nominating one of your deserving, dedicated members for a state office. We look forward to excellent campaigning this year and, most of all, having a candidate for each elected office.

The State Handbook, Section 09 State Officer Candidate Guide, will provide you with the information and forms necessary to run for state office. Please refer to the PBL Calendar for deadline dates for submitting these forms.


Running for National Office

Being a national officer is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences that a student can have as a member of FBLA-PBL. It takes commitment and responsibility, but it's also a lot of fun. Good leaders inspire others to have confidence in them. Great leaders inspire others to have confidence in themselves. National Officer Candidate Schedule National officer candidates will receive a detailed candidate schedule prior to the National Leadership Conference.

Since candidates for national PBL offices represent the state, NCPBL uses the following guidelines for nomination:

  • The candidate must be endorsed by the State Executive Committee. Members wishing to be endorsed must submit to the State Adviser a letter of interest including qualifications, platform and campaign basics, and education plans for the next year; a transcript; and a letter of recommendation from their chapter adviser. The receipt date for this letter of recommendation and materials is included on the NCPBL Calendar.

  • As representatives of the state, members wishing State Council endorsement are also to sign the Code of Conduct form that is used for state officer nomination.

  • The State Council will review completed applications and make decisions on endorsing a candidate and making the official national officer nomination.

 As the state nominee, the State Council will assist in the candidate's campaign. The candidate is expected to keep the State Council, particularly the State Adviser, informed of matters related to the campaign.

The State Handbook Section 09 State Officer Candidate Guide will provide you with the information and forms necessary to seek endorsement to run for a National office. Please refer to the PBL Calendar for deadline dates for submitting these forms. Please contact your State Adviser  for the National Guideline information.