Get Members Involved
To keep members involved, give incentives to members who participate in chapter activities, attend meetings, or recruit other members.
Here are a few examples of engaging activities. See Section 06 of the Handbook for more information on membership and starting a chapter, as well as retaining members.
Give door prizes at meeting.
Have social events that all members can attend outside of school activities and meetings.
Set up a point system for member participation.
Retain Current Members
While recruitment is crucial to the success of a chapter, retaining members is also an important goal. Activities should be planned to spark the interest of the faithful members. Remember to use meetings to inform your members of upcoming events such as community service projects, competitions, and workshops. Below are some additional tips:
Offer incentives for members to join for an additional year (i.e., special membership pins, special FBLA-PBL items, special certificates).
If a past member recruits a new member, award them with a prize.
Be flexible with events and meeting schedules.
Get past members involved in organizing activities and projects. Build on their experience to make the chapter successful.
Host a special chapter retreat for all past members to help develop ideas for recruiting new members. Goals such as the following could be developed:
To increase membership by 10 percent
To have every past member recruit one new member
To increase membership by doing more to get visibility in the community and in the school
To create thank you cards (or holiday cards) to show appreciation to members
To create and distribute a brochure to incoming freshmen and sophomores
Implement a mentor program by teaming up new members with your experienced members-make them feel important.
Show appreciation for past members by honoring them as part of the induction ceremony for new members or an officer installation ceremony. Recognize any members who won competitive events the previous year in state and national competition.