The North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate Professional Division-Foundation, Inc. is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization that generates and disburses funds to support the leadership development of North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate local and state chapters and its members. It is organized exclusively for education purposes. The NCFBLA-Collegiate Professional Division-Foundation, Inc. membership is open to all individuals interested in promoting and supporting the purpose (as stated in the bylaws) of the organization.
NCFBLA-Collegiate members participate in a wide variety of leadership development activities and conferences on the local, state, and national levels. At conferences, students attend leadership workshops and participate in competitive events.
The North Carolina Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate Professional Division-Foundation, Inc. contributions are:
Student Academic Scholarships. The PD-F will award up to $3,000 in scholarships to students
Offset Conference Expenses. The PD-F will give the NCFBLA-Collegiate State Chapter $2,ooo to offset expenses for the Fall Leadership Development Conference and $4,000 for the State Leadership Conference. Financial contributions benefit all students and advisers to reduce registrations fees for conferences.
Competitive Event Sponsorship. The PD-F seeks donations from individuals and businesses to sponsor any of the 65 competitive events at the annual State Leadership Conference each year. The PD-F gave the State Chapter $3.300 to help offset 2019 State Leadership Conference expenses from the competitive event sponsorship program.
Profession Division-Foundation Chapter of the Year. The PD-F will award $500 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place and $200 for 3rd place to the chapters that accumulates the most points in the event.
The Legacy Leadership Award (TLLA). The Legacy Leadership Award recognizes outstanding local chapters that have actively participated in Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate state and national programs and conferences. The TLLA honors the legacy of the NCPBL and National “Outstanding Chapter Adviser” recipients who have given 20 or more years of service to our organization. For more information go to ncpbl.org/the-legacy-leadership-award
The PD-F gives each chapter achieving TLLA $100 for conference expenses and gives an additional $100 bonus for TLLA achievement along with completing PD-F related tasks.
Membership Recruitment Display Award. Participating chapters will set up their recruitment displays at the Fall Leadership Development Conference where students will have the opportunity to view and take notes to be used for their own displays. The PD-F Board will judge and award the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place chapter winners in the amounts of $250, $150, and $100 respectively.
State Officer Apparel Program. The PD-F loans blazers and accessories to state officers to provide a professional consistent appearance.
State Officer Reimbursement Program. This program helps officers with financial support for leadership development opportunities. Each officer will be reimbursed up to $150 after requirements are met.
National Officer Candidate Support. The PD-F gives $400 for a NCFBLA-Collegiate student running for a National Future Business Leaders of America-Collegiate office.
Non-Trivia Competition. Every year at the Fall Leadership Development Conference the PD-F hosts the Non-Trivia Competition to test students on FBLA-Collegiate related events and knowledge. The winning chapter teams of 3 will be awarded $250 for 1st place, $150 for 2nd place, and $100 for 3rd place.
Design-A-Pin Competition. Every year at the Fall Leadership Development Conference the PD-F hosts the Design-A-Pin Competition where students submit a design to be voted on by students at the Fall Leadership Development Conference. The winning design will be made into a limited edition metal pin that will be sold at the State Leadership Conference (SLC). The winning chapter will have priority seating at the SLC Awards Banquet.
NCPBL Website. The PD-F finances the ncpbl.org website
Conference Assistance. The PD-F will work to acquire volunteers for FLDC and SLC to judge events and be workshop leaders, The PD-F will run the PD-F Centers (that will handle conference registrations, and the judges and adviser gifts), run the audio and visuals at the SLC, and setup up for the SLC Awards Banquet.
Speaker/Coach/Mentor. Upon the request of chapters the PD-F will help in these areas.